After a 400 step trek to my vantage point, I waited for about 3 hours to get a clear glimpse of Mount Fuji but had no luck. I was just about to leave and try the next day when clouds opened up to let me capture this incredible image of mount Fuji in the afternoon sun. Unfortunately, I could only capture a few photos before mount Fuji disappeared behind a blanket of clouds.
Horse Head Rock Nightscape
This is a photograph straight out of my photography bucket list. 
My first attempt to capture this image was in April 2021. Unfortunately, I couldn't get to the Horse Head rock due to high tide. I finally traversed across the rugged shoreline to get to horse head rock. But, I had to end my shoot quickly because of the swell and the tide. The only way to get out of the shoreline to safety was by climbing up a steep cliff. 
I visited the Horse Head rock on three consecutive days to finally capture enough frames to stack and compose this image. 
Fire & Ice​​​​​​​
I started Astrophotography during Covid lockdown as a method of photography I can practice from my own home. Over the past few months, I've managed to improve my technique and capture mind-blowing images of the night sky. 
This is my capture of the Eta Carinae Nebula (NGC3372), photographed with narrowband imagery (Ha, Sii, Oiii). Eta Carine is one of the largest defuse nebule in our sky and sits around 8,500 light-years away from Earth. ​​​​​​​
And, yes! We can travel back in time through astrophotography - This is how Carina Nebula looked 8,500 years ago! ​​​​​​​
The Beauty Within a Storm
I photographed this stunning sunset in Feb 2022. 
After making my way to the location, it looked like the weather had changed suddenly, and I would not get the classic Sydney sunset I had hoped for. But, Mother Nature put up a breathtaking show of light with a thunderstorm approaching from a distance.
Click here to purchase this photo.​​​​​​​
Vivid Reflections
Awards - Winner of the Vivid 2019 photo competition hosted by Ola Australia
I captured this amazing sight of Sydney Harbour Bridge on a rainy night during Sydney's Vivid festival. 2019's Vivid festival was a special one with terrific strobe lights. ​​​​​​​
Magnificent Mount Fuji with Early Autumn colours
Even though mount Fuji is the tallest mountain in Japan, the chance of seeing the entire mountain is only about 44% across the whole year. Nevertheless, I was lucky enough to catch a glimpse of Fujisan during my visit to the Kawaguchiko area in autumn 2019.  
Iconic Sydney​​​​​​​
Sydney is a fantastic city for any photographer to live in. With gorgeous views of iconic landmarks looking over Sydney Harbour. This photo encapsulates the best of our beloved harbour city.
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